Constructs a Value with arguments.
Constructs a Value with arguments.
This is unsafe overload because using cast internally.
MessagePack value type
Comparison for equality. @trusted for union.
Special method called by Packer.
msgpack value representation
auto unpacker = StreamingUnpacker(pack(1, 0.1L) ~ pack(true) ~ pack("foobarbaz")); foreach (unpacked; unpacker) { if (unpacked.type == Value.Type.array) { foreach (obj; unpacked) { switch (obj.type) { case Value.Type.unsigned: writeln(!(uint)); break; case Value.Type.floating: writeln(!(real)); break; defalut: throw new Exception("Unknown type"); } } } else { if (unpacked.type == Value.Type.boolean) writeln(!(bool)); else writeln("Message: ",!(string)); } }
Value is a MessagePack value representation